Author: be-admin

It’s not unusual for employers to want to cut costs and save money—makes perfect sense when you own and run your own business. Unfortunately, we find dentists taking this desire, combining it with an industry misconception, and then creating financial liability and employee resentment. Dentists get...

Few tasks present the challenges that interviewing does. It’s a skill that takes time and practice to get right. Even the most veteran among us will get it wrong from time to time. Yet, good interviewing skills are a necessary management function. The key to successful...

Every organization has a culture. Organizational culture represents the collective attitudes, customs, values, beliefs and principles of the team and is a product of such factors as history, products/services provided, market, technology, strategy, type of employees employed, and management style. All of which should be the...

Mistakes happen, even to the very best of us. The best part about mistakes? Learning from them. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you can even learn from others’ mistakes and avoid the problem yourself. Supporting thousands of clients nationwide on an ongoing basis, we learn firsthand about...

Mention job descriptions and usually there is one of two reactions. One, people’s eyes immediately glaze- over, or two, people automatically respond with “got ‘em, my bases are covered.” Fewer things may seem as uninteresting to talk about as job descriptions – even in the world...

Questions about whether it is better to pay employees hourly versus a salary are quite common. There are pros and cons to both approaches, as well as advocates on both sides of the fence. Some consultants recommend paying staff on an hourly basis, while other...